Mar 30, 2023 03:34 AM


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This package is a Node.js wrapper around ChatGPT by OpenAI. TS batteries included.
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Details Details
If you run into any issues, we do have a pretty active Discord with a bunch of ChatGPT hackers from the Node.js & Python communities.
Lastly, please consider starring this repo and
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to help support the project.
Thanks && cheers, Travis


To run the CLI, you'll need an OpenAI API key:
By default, the response is streamed to stdout, the results are stored in a local config file, and every invocation starts a new conversation. You can use -c to continue the previous conversation and --no-stream to disable streaming.


Make sure you're using node >= 18 so fetch is available (or node >= 14 if you install a fetch polyfill).


To use this module from Node.js, you need to pick between two methods:
Real ChatGPT models
Real ChatGPT
    1. ChatGPTAPI - Uses the gpt-3.5-turbo-0301 model with the official OpenAI chat completions API (official, robust approach, but it's not free). You can override the model, completion params, and system message to fully customize your assistant.
    1. ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI - Uses an unofficial proxy server to access ChatGPT's backend API in a way that circumvents Cloudflare (uses the real ChatGPT and is pretty lightweight, but relies on a third-party server and is rate-limited)
Both approaches have very similar APIs, so it should be simple to swap between them.
Note: We strongly recommend using ChatGPTAPI since it uses the officially supported API from OpenAI. We may remove support for ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI in a future release.

Usage - ChatGPTAPI

Sign up for an OpenAI API key and store it in your environment.
You can override the default model (gpt-3.5-turbo-0301) and any OpenAI chat completion params using completionParams:
If you want to track the conversation, you'll need to pass the parentMessageId like this:
You can add streaming via the onProgress handler:
You can add a timeout using the timeoutMs option:
If you want to see more info about what's actually being sent to OpenAI's chat completions API, set the debug: true option in the ChatGPTAPI constructor:
We default to a basic systemMessage. You can override this in either the ChatGPTAPI constructor or sendMessage:
Note that we automatically handle appending the previous messages to the prompt and attempt to optimize for the available tokens (which defaults to 4096).

Usage - ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI

The API for ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI is almost exactly the same. You just need to provide a ChatGPT accessToken instead of an OpenAI API key.
See demos/demo-reverse-proxy for a full example:
ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI messages also contain a conversationid in addition to parentMessageId, since the ChatGPT webapp can't reference messages across different accounts & conversations.

Reverse Proxy

You can override the reverse proxy by passing apiReverseProxyUrl:
Known reverse proxies run by community members include:
Reverse Proxy URL
Rate Limits
Last Checked
5 req / 10 seconds by IP
50 req / 15 seconds (~3 r/s)
Note: info on how the reverse proxies work is not being published at this time in order to prevent OpenAI from disabling access.

Access Token

To use ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI, you'll need an OpenAI access token from the ChatGPT webapp. To do this, you can use any of the following methods which take an email and password and return an access token:
These libraries work with email + password accounts (e.g., they do not support accounts where you auth via Microsoft / Google).
Alternatively, you can manually get an accessToken by logging in to the ChatGPT webapp and then opening https://chat.openai.com/api/auth/session, which will return a JSON object containing your accessToken string.
Access tokens last for days.
Note: using a reverse proxy will expose your access token to a third-party. There shouldn't be any adverse effects possible from this, but please consider the risks before using this method.


See the auto-generated docs for more info on methods and parameters.


Most of the demos use ChatGPTAPI. It should be pretty easy to convert them to use ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI if you'd rather use that approach. The only thing that needs to change is how you initialize the api with an accessToken instead of an apiKey.
To run the included demos:
  1. clone repo
  1. install node deps
  1. set OPENAI_API_KEY in .env
A basic demo is included for testing purposes:
The on progress demo uses the optional onProgress parameter to sendMessage to receive intermediary results as ChatGPT is "typing".
A persistence demo shows how to store messages in Redis for persistence:
Any keyv adaptor is supported for persistence, and there are overrides if you'd like to use a different way of storing / retrieving messages.
Note that persisting message is required for remembering the context of previous conversations beyond the scope of the current Node.js process, since by default, we only store messages in memory. Here's an external demo of using a completely custom database solution to persist messages.
Note: Persistence is handled automatically when using ChatGPTUnofficialProxyAPI because it is connecting indirectly to ChatGPT.


All of these awesome projects are built using the chatgpt package.
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  • ChatGPT API Server - API server for this package with support for multiple OpenAI accounts, proxies, and load-balancing requests between accounts.
  • ChatGPT Prompts - A collection of 140+ of the best ChatGPT prompts from the community.
  • Julius GPT : Generate and publish your content from the command line with the help of AI (GPT).
If you create a cool integration, feel free to open a PR and add it to the list.


  • This package is ESM-only.
  • This package supports node >= 14.
  • This module assumes that fetch is installed.
    • In node >= 18, it's installed by default.
    • In node < 18, you need to install a polyfill like unfetch/polyfill (guide) or isomorphic-fetch (guide).
  • If you want to build a website using chatgpt, we recommend using it only from your backend API



If you found this project interesting, please consider sponsoring me or
  • Twikoo
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